• Developed ON LINE SHOPPING CART Web Base software for my final assignment of BS CS Hon’s using SQL Server 2000 as Backend and IIS as middle Layer and ASP Active Server Page, VB Script as developing Language. Having following GIS skills. • Databases: Oracle Spatial 10g, Data Warehouse, Post GIS, SQL Server 2005, MS Access. • GIS Languages: GIS Java, C and C++, Arc Objects, HTML, Java Script, JSP, CSS, SVG, Fusion, GML etc. • Operating Systems: Window98, Window2000, Window XP. • Graphics Tools: Macromedia Dream weaver, Adobe Photoshop. 700 799 Standard Detail Drawings 2200 Series Street Information. In the sectional plan, the accessories and material details are marked very basically in this AutoCAD Drawing file. Simply choose the file or files autocad task help be downloaded and load them into your task. Include element of constructing sections and working plan. CAD Drawings and Details. pdf format, the resource drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .